Tuesday 16 October 2012

Westboro Weirdos!

The activities of the Westboro Baptist Church have fascinated me for a while. When I decided that my blog was going to be about religious extremities I immediately thought of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Protest signs held by a child of the WBC.

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) claims that they are the one true religion of the world and everyone should practice what they preach. If we were to attach them to a religion it would be Christianity, however most Christians, in fact most of man-kind are loathed to be represented by them. The church is based in Kansas, however they spread their word through protests all over the USA at the funerals of dead soldiers. They hate gays, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, and basically anyone that does not believe in what they believe.

For me, the people of the WBC are very disturbing. In this clip –  we can see how extreme the people of this church are. They have no compassion for outsiders. What is most puzzling is that they do this in the name of ‘god’. Isn’t god supposed to be all loving and forgiving to others? Jesus forgave prostitutes and sinners, so it becomes quite difficult to understand the WBC’s logic of American soldiers and gays burning in hell due to the 'wrath of god'. I understand that some religions are opposed to homosexuality, yet it is inconceivable that they would persecute gays in the way that the WBC do.

The WBC promotes the religion through their website. You can be taken to their website content through a number of web links such as http://www.godhatesfags.com/ or http://www.priestsrapeboys.com/. The names themselves take offensive to a whole new level. Some countries have seen them as so offensive that they have banned the WBC from entering their country. Click here for this article. . Do you think that it is right that this group has been banned or do you think its members should be given freedom of speech? Do you think that this group cowers behind the word ‘religion’ and is really a hate group?


  1. This is all really shocking to read! The image you have chosen of the young boy holding up the signs is really saddening. It is crazy to think at such a young age that “God Hates Fags/ Jews” and “priests rape boys”. As you said, it is out-right offensive to certain people! I was also really shocked to read that they publicise their religion “at the funerals of dead soldiers.” Do you know how this religious cult started? It just seems so extreme!
    If you’re interested in other religious beliefs towards homosexuality, you should check out my blog; Religion, Homosexuality and the 21st Century at http://acm061.blogspot.co.uk/.

  2. Yes, the images are really shocking, particularly of the children. It is as though they are grooming them to be part of their messed up belief system!
    This extreme religious cult started with Fred Phelps, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church and his children now look after it. It consists of all of his children (think he has about 10) and all of their children so it constitutes to about 70 or 80 members, although more recently many have been seen to be leaving because of outsdie contact (e.g. many go to universities or colleges and assumingly will meet others and see that they are not that bad!) From the online evidence I have looked into, I just think that Phelps decided to break away from a church he belonged to and formed his own.
    I think you will find the two documentaries done by Louis Theroux on this church very interesting - use this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOrz5k0jWdU) for the first part and it will link you to the other ones.
    On my last post I also put a link for Russell Brand's interview with the church which was very entertaining!
    And thanks for your comment and link Harry -I will check it out!

  3. The actions and beliefs of many of these Westboro Baptist Church members are ridiculous and highly offensive. What do you think we can do to eradicate extremist groups like them in the world?

  4. I think it is very difficult to completely eradicate a group like this as countries such as America are founded upon freedom of speech. However, as such groups cause huge offence to the majority I think by limiting where they can protest and preach is a good start. It would also be worthwhile to ensure that children in these groups get some social interaction with children outside extremist groups, in the hope that they grow up knowing that they can exist elsewhere, and as a result leave extreme churches/religions.
