Thursday 22 November 2012

Aggressive Attacks - A Case Study

In this blog I have mainly looked at religious groups as a whole. I would now like to dedicate this post to looking at just one case study that was recently in the news. 
Gary Smith -
the teacher that was beat up for teaching R.S .
Before I begin to write I want to strongly emphasise that this is of course, a case study and does not reflect the views of any mainstream religion. I am writing this post so that I can show what certain individuals will do in the name of ‘religion’ (this also is applicable for some of my other posts). 
So, now that is out the way I will begin blogging! The post is regarding a religious studies teacher, named Gary Smith who was beaten up by four men with extreme Muslim beliefs – they beat him up because he was teaching about Islam and other religions to the niece of one of the men. More details of the attack can be found at this article. 
This article also gives details as to the fact that the men believed that a non-Muslim cannot teach Islam (which is part of the curriculum) because they do not know the ‘true’ religion (mainly because he is an outsider). The men also carried out the attack because the man was teaching students about other religions other than Islam. For them this was unacceptable as Islam should be the only religion that students learn about and thus they believed that they were carrying out the attack in the name of Allah. 

For me this situation is striking – Islam is completely against this type of attack and killing and this is clearly outlined within the Qur’an. Islam promotes harmony and peace between different nations. Therefore, it is such a shame that certain individuals partake in such activities. They are completely going against the nature of the religion. Websites such as this one promote and encourage peace and harmony amongst Islam and it is such a shame that such attacks can lessen the effect and hard work of Muslims that try and show Islam for what it really is. 
Islam is really against this type of attack
This sort of attack is also detrimental to the religion because people may read the article and believe that this behaviour is warranted by Islam, which of course, is incorrect. 
I also find it harrowing that people would beat a man up for merely educating in to prevent this very attack as religious education is supposed to inform pupils of other religions so that they can live in harmony. 
It is extremely upsetting to find that some individuals go to extreme lengths to beat others up and even attempt to kill them in the name of their religion. How do you think that we can prevent this type of behaviour?  


  1. This is yet another shocking blog post! Where did you hear about the incident?

    It is ironic that despite Islamic strong beliefs on peace these 4 students chose to beat up someone who was merely doing his job! I find it so shocking that I can't even think of how to answer your closing question because it is such an unexpected attack. I guess that maybe it should be made more known in schools that R.S teachers have to teach numerous relgions whether they themselves are religious or not!

  2. I remembered reading about the incident online and thought it would be appropriate for this blog!
    Yes, I think making it known that R.S teachers will teach students whether they are religious are not is a good idea so then any parents with concerns can address them before behaviour occurs such as this. I also think that by giving participants in such crimes hefty punishments will also show potential other attackers that society will not accept such behaviour!

  3. This kind of violent behaviour is disgraceful, especially when most religions promote peace. Why do you think that some people cannot accept that other people have differing opinions to their own, and how can we stop these people from being violent?

  4. I think some people find it difficult to accept there are other beliefs because they are so adamant that their own view point is the only way to live a fulfilled life. Education and encouraging social interaction between different people can also help violent attacks such as these.
    As stated above, I think appropriate prison sentences towards such attacks can also show that as a society we do not accept violent behaviour.
