Tuesday 20 November 2012

Church of Euthanasia?!?!

Whilst browsing through different webpages on religions I came across something that I felt compelled to do more research into and write my next post on - the Church of Euthanasia. 
The very name of the “church” struck me - church and euthanasia are for me two words that do not go together! Churches are supposed to be against Euthanasia and very pro-life, so how can there possibly be a church surrounding Euthanasia. (All other Christian groups oppose the fact that the group uses the word "church" to define itself and that is why I will use the term 'group' or put speech marks around the word church in this blog - this article highlights how Christian groups need to unite against Euthanasia ) The very name was so controversial and I had a feeling that their website was not going to be anything less. 

The "church" protesting their beliefs. 
As you can see from this webpage  the church supports voluntary euthanasia   and suicide because they believe that the world is overpopulated. Although throughout the website it stresses that to be a part of this church you do not have to immediately kill yourself, the whole concept of the church just feels wrong. However, any group that even promotes some sort of ending of life in this way is highly dangerous. I think this sect really needs to look at its responsibilities to society. If an unstable person were to look to this group for guidance they may find it easier to justify the ending of their own life, when really what they need is professional support such as counselling and guidance to get them through that period of time in their life. 

However, I can understand the viewpoint of overpopulation. Yet, there are definitely alternatives that we can do as a population to address the situation rather than simply promoting Euthanasia. Everyone within the world has a right to life and to have children. 

I honestly find it sickening that the website gives advice out to people on the most successful ways for them to kill themselves. I know that there is freedom of speech, but for me this group is abusing this right. Don’t you think that it would be better for this group to be banned by the government to ensure that damage is not done to vulnerable people, particularly youngsters? 


  1. I completely share your views on how "sickening" it is to tell people ways in which they can kill themselves.

    Just out of interest, what is your general attitude towards Christian views of euthanasia?

  2. Yes, it is very sad that people with such ideas are allowed to promote their ideas.

    My attitude towards euthanasia in general is that with the careful and strict safeguards in place, it ought to be considered. People that are in a lot of terminal pain, euthanasia can seem a much more fairer and kinder option.
    However, I am not Christian, and I know the majority support palliative care instead, which I fully respect and understand their issues/concerns against Euthanasia.
    However, we must remember that this is not the topic of the blog post - the fact that "the church of euthanasia" outright promotes death in fully, healthy people is an outrage.
