Tuesday 27 November 2012

Final Farewells!!!

This will be my final post in the blog for now (who knows maybe I will carry it on in the future!). I just want to thank everybody for taking the time to read these posts and I hope I brought to your attention things that you may have not heard about before.

I think the main issue that has arisen from this blog is that everybody has freedom of choice and expression and ought to be allowed to practice whatever religion they want. However, for me when this expression starts to endanger that particular person, their family or their community around them, this is the point when the religion turns extreme and we should actively intervene. I think that educating people can help with this. The issue in one of my comments of this blog was raised which was what if a person has been educated and informed but still chooses to practice in extreme ways, then what can we do? I would say further education and perhaps letting the government intervene to stop that extremity spreading. I believe that governments should get involved if it is starting to effect that particular population!!

Russell Brand is a genius interviewing
 extreme groups

I also (as a treat!) would like to post this clip. It is very entertaining and for your own enjoyment, but also shows that what I am posting about is very relevant to today (as you can see the clip is dated 16th November 2012). I think exposure on shows such as Russell Brand's is a good way to expose these extreme religions, as well as being genius comedy by Russell Brand! Other interviewers can be strong and belittle extremists (I have shown this in some clips I have linked to), which in my opinion only furthers their quest to get more people to join (as they can see the power that they have on provoking deep feelings), yet in this clip Brand condemns the group but also very cleverly engages in dialogue with them!

Anyway, thank you again and maybe I will see you soon!!!

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